Welcome to CISV Halifax.
Our local chapter is one of over 200 worldwide working with young people to promote peace and develop leaders through intercultural friendships. We are associated with CISV International and CISV Canada.
Our main activities are open to children ages 11 to 17. The activities can be as simple as baking cookies or carving a pumpkin to a weekend away at a mini camp. And for some there may be an opportunity to travel to another country for a life changing experience spending several weeks with children the same age from all over the world.
We also have opportunities for young adults to get involved as leaders and CISV is a volunteer organization, so we are always looking for your support with driving, chaperoning, hosting international students for a couple days or being part of our board.
You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram or sign up for our monthly newsletter. If you have other questions, please email us. All our contact information is on the Contact Us page.